Eff Patriarchal Goal Setting

Body Mind Spirit Approach to Goals

Most goal setting strategies are patriarchal and all about HUSTLE, GRIND & DISCIPLINE.

But a more effective approach is to heal what’s been stopping you from working on the goal or what’s been making you work TOO MUCH on the goal (helllloooo workaholics… I see you because I am you!)

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You don’t need discipline for new year’s resolutions, you need this…

For 10 years I wanted a serious long-term relationship. And for 10 years I failed…

I’d set it as a goal. Talk to my therapist about it. Set it as my new year’s resolution.

Then I’d read books, watch Ted Talks on optimizing your dating profile, go on dates. And nothing worked until I healed some deep-seated inner child stuff that was fucking with my relationships.

Continue reading “You don’t need discipline for new year’s resolutions, you need this…”

This free workshop is going to disappear… NYE at midnight…

I don’t normally have my free workshops disappear. Mostly because I’m lazy. And because I know you’re busy and will watch it when it’s the right time for you…

But my intuition keeps telling me to pull this one off the table because the holidays are the boundaries olympics so if you’re gunna watch it ever… you’d better watch it now…

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You’re supposed to wanna K!LL your ex

You’re supposed to wanna SHAKE your kids
You’re supposed to wanna PVNCH your partner

So many ppl say that the way forward is forgiveness.

And in the long term, I agree. If it’s 10 years past and you’re still talking about k1lling your ex, that’s something to look at.

Continue reading “You’re supposed to wanna K!LL your ex”