Science of Why You’re Doing Better Than You Think

Your brain’s job is to keep you alive so it’s constantly looking for danger and anything negative or dangerous sticks more in your brain.

The science of why you’re actually doing better than you think is because the positives don’t stick nearly as much.

You’re doing better than you think,

PS My workshops help you see the positives and so you can feel more confident and move towards your goals.

My most watched workshop of ALL TIME features…

– Someone who thinks they don’t deserve to take a break until they’re out of debt…

– Someone who went through a toxic workplace and who’s chronic pain makes it difficult for them to make money

-And someone who experienced extreme money fears in part stemming from being a child of immigrants

Each participant processes their money fears somatically and learns how to navigate them. And if you’re still reading, it’s your time to take the workshop so you can process yours!

FREE ACCESS this workshop: Somatics to Heal Money Blocks –

Author: Bryn Bamber

Career Coach Bryn Bamber helps people like you find a career that’s aligned with your goals. Her Burnout to Brilliance program teaches you how to make small shifts that will free up tons of energy for the things you really love. Start today with your FREE Checklist: Decrease Stress and Get an Hour of Your Day Back! Get it here - Learn more about Bryn & the Burnout to Brilliance program at

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