the patriarchy told you not to rest..

The Monday – Friday work week was created for cis men’s hormones cycles.
Folks who menstruate, have a 28-day-ish hormone cycle, then in perimenopause the cycle becomes less predictable.

Whereas cis men’s hormones cycle every 24 hours, and have approximately the same amount of energy every day. Making the M-F work week make sense.


Nothing in nature blooms all year. In Ontario, where I live, the harvest season is very short.

For 7 years, apple trees bears no fruit, nothing.

Then once it starts bearing fruit, it only bears fruit for 5-6 weeks of the year. For ten and a half months, it doesn’t bear any fruit. It doesn’t “achieve” anything.

It just stands, chilling out from October – April.

Then it grows some leaves, some blossoms, teeny tiny gross sour as fuck fruit… and then in September, the first ripe apples appear.

ANDDDDDD apple trees have been bred for YEARS to make the fruit as big and sweet as possible.

Wild apple trees have smaller sour-er fruit.

So to be a wild free human?

Produce less.

You’re not meant to work in a factory.

You’re not meant to work 5 days a week, every week of the year.

Maybe you’re like an apple tree? Resting and preparing for 10-11 months. Producing for 5 – 6 weeks.

And yes, money and food and shelter are real needs. So maybe you can’t rest for 10 months yet…

Or maybe you can move in with your sister or your aunt to give yourself some breathing and resting room.

ANNDDDDD…. if you need a day or a week off, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLZZZZZ don’t beat yourself up about it it!!

If you need 6 months off, you’re still way more productive than a McIntosh apple tree!

The culture says, “If you don’t produce as consistently as a machine does, then you’re lazy and broken.”

But you’re not a machine.

You’re not for a factory.

You’re a wild animal who’s been tamed and taught to beat yourself up if you don’t follow all the orders.

Maybe you’re like a cheetah, who sleeps for 12 hours and only hunts every 2 – 5 days.

Maybe you’re like an oak tree, who only drops acorns in the fall.

Maybe you’re like bamboo, growing an extensive root system underground before you shoot up.

You’re not meant to be a robot.

Let yourself be wild and crabby.

Let your fruit become smaller and more sour.

Let it be the medicine for the few who need it, and let everyone else fall away.

I’m not a conventional apple tree in a systemized orchard.

I’m a wild lone crabby tree in a forest.

And so are you.



PS it’s your time to escape from the factory, to break out of the conventional orchard and to be wild and free.

Socialization is the invisible prison that keeps you trapped. It’s powerful, especially when there are bars you can’t even see yet.

Many of these invisible bars have been their since the day you were born.

I help my private clients SEE the bars and then break through them.

And from that process, I’ve had clients:

– change her biz from a conventional model to a method that’s completely mystical… and saw an increase in her profits

– stop judging the shit out of herself for doing stuff the unconventional way and then have MORE FUN at work

– Follow her deep knowing to raise her rates and work less

You might believe that in order to achieve your goal, you have to follow society’s rules, but you’re entering into a new era where breaking every rule is what’s going to break down the barriers to your goal.

Author: Bryn Bamber

Career Coach Bryn Bamber helps people like you find a career that’s aligned with your goals. Her Burnout to Brilliance program teaches you how to make small shifts that will free up tons of energy for the things you really love. Start today with your FREE Checklist: Decrease Stress and Get an Hour of Your Day Back! Get it here - Learn more about Bryn & the Burnout to Brilliance program at

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