

I’m not quite sure where it starts.  But at some point I realize there’s a voice that’s questioning every decision that I make.  “Is that really a good idea?” “Do you really need that?”  And the hidden message is really – do you really deserve that?  Are you really worthy?

And right now is one of the moments.  As I sit in my bed typing I have this sinking feeling in my chest.  I want to sleep.  I don’t want to be seen.  I want it to go away.  This voice tells me to hide and keep all of my actions secret so others won’t discover “what a horrible person I truly am”.

And when it gets to this stage it affects all my choices – from what to have for dinner to whether or not to buy a Macbook Air.

And I’m amazing at coping.  It’s happened before and I know how to ride it out – putting off making important decisions or getting a level headed friend to help.  Pretending I’m totally fine and thinking that other’s don’t notice my edginess. Smiling.  Getting the work done.

But I want to do more than cope.  I want to get to the roots and pull them out.  I want to find out where this shame is coming from.  And I want to be free.

This time it started with a busy day where people were sick and didn’t let the office know. I was coordinating the work schedule so spent a lot of time trying to figure out where people were and to find coverage for them.  And then I called a community meeting to explain the importance of communicating if you can’t come to work.  I also had a disagreement with a co-worker.  And then talked again later to resolve the issue.

I was mad and I was tired and I was stressed.  And then it was like this anger came up and then at some point was turned on myself.

The voice emerged – “Does everyone dislike me now that I called them out?” “Did I really need to say anything?” “Was the disagreement my fault?” “Am I good person at all?”

So I’m practicing believing I have worth even when it’s at its loudest.  Trying to take baby steps towards shameless living.  Buying the computer even though the voice thinks I’m not worth it.  And using the car to transport boxes of magazines even when the voice says:

“You should walk.
Do you really want to pollute the environment with that gasoline?
Are you just being lazy?
And what if someone else needs to use the car?
Someone doing something more important.
Someone more important.”

And I think its working even though it’s far from perfect…

Step by step.
Inch by inch.
I am stumbling towards freedom.

Author: Bryn Bamber

Career Coach Bryn Bamber helps people like you find a career that’s aligned with your goals. Her Burnout to Brilliance program teaches you how to make small shifts that will free up tons of energy for the things you really love. Start today with your FREE Checklist: Decrease Stress and Get an Hour of Your Day Back! Get it here - Learn more about Bryn & the Burnout to Brilliance program at

4 thoughts on “Shame”

  1. I’m always so glad to read you Bryn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feeling….you write very well. Have a great day! 🙂

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