What if you were kinder to yourself?


I am behind on project reporting at work. And I know this doesn’t sound like a big deal but I’ve been behind for awhile and I keep getting more and more behind.

I keep thinking that things will slow down and I’ll have time to catch up, but it hasn’t happened. And it has really started to weigh me down. I feel like I’m not getting the work I need to get down. I don’t feel productive. I feel like I’m failing at my job. Something needs to change.

So last week I sat down with my supervisor to discuss this. I explained my situation and proposed the supports that I would need to get caught up. She was willing to implement some of the supports needed but also wanted to implement a timeline within which I would get completely caught up.

And this week, with the supports in place and the looming deadline, I was able to complete 4 project reports and feel much better about the work that I’m doing.

I’ve always been someone who thought I could do it all alone but I’m realizing now that sometimes I need help too. I don’t like asking for help and it took until I felt like I breaking to ask but it worked.

What if I was kinder to myself? What if I asked for help before I was at a breaking point? What if I realized that I didn’t have to do it all alone?  I’m a fierce independent and I love that I can do it alone but sometimes its better if I do it with others. Sometimes its better when I ask for help.  Sometimes people want to help me but I push them away.

If you’re a fierce independent too maybe it’s time to ask: What would happen if you were kinder to yourself?

If you’re like me, it’s not an easy but it is better.  Try it out.


This week my article is short because I’m working on something big for next week. Friday August 5th, along with the newsletter, I’ll be launching my first episode of a podcast! I’m really excited about the guest I’m chatting with and where our conversation will go. I don’t have a title for the podcast yet so if you have any ideas – shoot me an email at bryn.bamber@gmail.com!

Also in August I’m launching a new and improved version of the Courage Compass online workshop. See the flyer below or check out more details on the website!!




Author: Bryn Bamber

Career Coach Bryn Bamber helps people like you find a career that’s aligned with your goals. Her Burnout to Brilliance program teaches you how to make small shifts that will free up tons of energy for the things you really love. Start today with your FREE Checklist: Decrease Stress and Get an Hour of Your Day Back! Get it here - tinyurl.com/getanhourback. Learn more about Bryn & the Burnout to Brilliance program at www.brynbamber.com.

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